I had a glimpse at another life. No, not another life for ME. Just, another life. Glimpses of all varieties of life come and go, but this time, it didn't just walk by. It stopped. It caught my eye. It chased me down and it wanted to talk. It pulled me in and it even had my undivided attention for a moment. And nearly just as fast as it arrived, it left.
I say left because, it was not by my choice in any sense of the word. There is not an angle you could look at this, what I will endearingly call, "moment" in which I chose it's arrival or departure. To beat this dead horse a little longer, it came to me by no desire of my own and then it left me all on it's own.
Life is funny. So are people. And funny, but not in a laughable way. No. More of a, funny - odd and sometimes cruel - can't put my finger on it so I'll just tilt my head to the side a bit and squint and still have no better understanding of what just happened.
When a moment happens to you in life - whether it be seemingly good or bad - if you're normal, I would think it would leave you with questions. Maybe questions like "why?" or "what was that?" or "was it even real?" At least, in my case I had a thousand questions, and no one there to answer them.
So I thought. I thought and thought and thought. And when thinking didn't help, I talked to myself. And I kept talking. Hey, sure I wanted someone physical to sit across from me and listen to my tale and give me those answers, but really there wasn't anyone who could step up to the plate in this one. So I did a lot of talking to myself, and ultimately to my Daddy (you know, the "Big Guy"). Without an audible voice, this time, the answers I was looking for even He couldn't give me.
I'm not telling you that He didn't help me. He has. But this time, and I think it's something He's been trying to tell me for a while now...this time, I just don't need a reason. I want one, and I will always want one. But, for now and for life to continue, I don't need answers. It doesn't all need to be completely explained. And at the end of it all...there may not even really be an exact reason.
My mind screams even as I write that..."But...there's ALWAYS a reason!!?!?!" Heh. And that's where a new voice stepped in and helped. Stick around...I'll tell you about the new voice I heard next time.
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