Monday, October 7, 2013

Soooo...what if you follow the red brick road?

It's amazing how many different directions your mind can go while watching the exact same production, but at a different moment in your own timeline.

That's what happened to me yesterday, sitting down with some snuggle-bugs, eyes peeled on the tele, ears ringing to the tune of "follow the yellow brick road, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road..."

As the munchkins sung their song, my eyes caught hold of the red brick road, swirling around and directly alongside the yellow bricks, then veering off into a different direction.  Where does it lead?  Nobody mentions it, but it's plainly there, and it plainly leads to somewhere.  I am still wondering, and maybe now I will always be.

Mysterious thought, to me.  I can imagine all kinds of places and things along that different path. All the "what ifs" of a red headed girl's journey if she had taken a different road.  Or maybe, someone else who entered that land years later to have more discoveries of a different sort.

I know they've written a new story about the wicked witch's point of view, but what about a story  with new characters heading towards a very different city?

And...has it already been written?  I haven't read Wicked, neither have I see the newer "Oz" movie.  Maybe there are clues in there.  I think it's time to reach for both.

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