Monday, September 16, 2013

Wisdom of a Dying Twenty Something

Okay, scratch the wisdom part.  And in a few hours, the twenty something.  

The last post was one I meant to write days ago and didn't get to it.  And tonight with the impending new century looming, I thought, why not write an extra posting?  Get a few last words in before I slip into oblivion.  

Alright, I know.  30 is far from a death sentence.  In fact, I'm gonna bet that it'll be a better year than the last.  In some respects it will not be hard to outdo!

My year in review...

Made lots of mistakes.  Again.  Still have a to do list no shorter than before.  I helped some people, hurt some others, said too much, said too little, loved a lot, withheld affection, reached some goals, wrote some others.

The thing I remember most from all of the things I remember happening this year...I have learned some amazing lessons.  Some from falling, some from rising.  Eh, mostly from falling. It's a shame sometimes that we can't get it together before we start passing on what we know! This life journey is a mystery.  An unraveling mystery that sometimes even changes right in the middle.

I have also made some amazing friends and connections.  None of which I am willing to erase from my timeline.  Each one holds a special space in my mind, with the good and the bad.

I'd like to think I've matured, and I know that in some ways I have.  In no way have I arrived, nor will I ever until I reach the other side of the river.  

But, I am in love.  And I always will be.  With what?  who?  Oh, I dunno.  I mean, so many things. Tonight I just really feel love.  And I don't mean that I feel loved.  I just inwardly, feel love.  Maybe it's just the waxing gibbous moon out tonight.  Close enough to full to start effecting me.

And while this starts to become an incredible ramble, I think I'll finish off with something I wrote just two evenings ago.


What do you see?
Eyes narrowed, sifting light
Dark shimmering wisps
teasing the imagery
What's left when the smoke clears?
Standing solidly, a brutish form
Some would cower or shiver -
But not you.
You sense his thoughts,
Fills you with intrigue to learn more,
See his next move.
Eyes widen, taking a full perspective
Allowing detail to build
Until each shade of color shows
Brutish turns to hideous
Still, something draws
No fear, only desire.
A breeze brushes over sensitive skin
Hair bristles, sending a shiver
Eyes soften.
Hideous turns to helpless
Only one response is proper -
Outstretched hand.
A step closer, with quizzical silence
Hesitant while time stops.
A decision is made - hand grasping
Hand holds, cares
Helpless becomes Beauty.

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